Like any industrial equipment, pumps are vulnerable to breaking down. Usually pump malfunctions are either due to the bearings in the power frame or the seals in the seal chamber. Over time, these sections may need to be upgraded to maintain the pump rating or ensure optimal performance.
For larger, highly technical equipment, like Boiler-Feeders or API-610 pumps, we recommend the following upgrades:
- Pump Rating Upgrade: Improve the life of your pump and upgrade the rating by modifying the impeller or the casing to gain a better performance curve and optimize reliability.
- API Spec Upgrade: As the API [American Petroleum Institute] specs continue to change with every new edition, pump specs may need to be adjusted. These changes improve performance and longevity, and may also help you avoid increased insurance premiums if you’re running older pump models.
To address these issues, our engineering upgrades can supply replacement seal chambers and power chambers to fit ANY make and model of pump.