Report a Concern

DXP partners with EthicsPoint to establish a confidential method in which individuals may report a concern including, but not limited to, financial and accounting matters, harassment, misconduct or inappropriate behavior, substance abuse, theft, or violation of company policies. You are encouraged to use the DXP Conduct Hotline to report your concern.

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Call DXP

The Conduct Helpline is available 24 hours, seven days a week. Trained specialists from an independent third-party provider of corporate compliance services will answer your call, document your concerns and forward an anonymous written report to the Vice President of Human Resources, Director of Human Resources, or the Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to provide independence for further investigation.

1 (888) 307-4308

DXP Code of Conduct

A Message from David R. Little

An important step in meeting our ethics and compliance responsibilities is to be mindful of our commitments to each other, our customers, our business partners, and to the communities where we work and live.

To help us accomplish this goal, DXP has established a method for our employees, customers, and business partners to make us aware of any ethical concerns.  This can be completed by contacting DXP’s Conduct Helpline or making a report using http://dxpe.ethicspoint.com

I believe our commitment to ethics and compliance will not only enable us to succeed today but will help us to achieve long term success. I am convinced that working together, we will not only meet our goals, but we will also continue to be proud of how we achieve success.

Download the DXP Code of Conduct